Special Trips
Ask many of our alumni about their favorite memory of The Raleigh School and odds are good that they will mention a special field trip. Our field trips are carefully chosen to go hand-in-hand with the curriculum, helping connect study with reality.
Annual trips include a behind-the-scenes, wheat-to-bread view of a bakery in kindergarten, an all-day outing to the North Carolina Zoo in first grade, many trips to the nearby Prairie Ridge Ecostation, and a special adventure on the Haw River involving both puppets and paddles.
Beginning in second grade, each year there is an overnight trip connected to a unit of study. One parent accompanies each child, adding to the bonding experience that occurs on these exciting trips.
Second Grade "Ocean's Adventure"
The class studies the ocean as a theme and completes projects such as researching an ocean animal and testing buoyancy of salt water vs. freshwater. Then, the unit culminates with two-day trip to the North Carolina coast, with activities such as dissecting a squid, exploring the sound knee-deep searching for creatures and examining ocean life via shells.
Third Grade "Campout"
The class begins its study of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars with an overnight campout on campus. Tents are pitched, a mobile planetarium is created. Telescopes, space "Jeopardy," and campfire myths take center stage for a fun evening. After the campout, children delve into astronomy, from a scientific as well as historical perspective.
Fourth Grade "Black Mountain"
Our fourth graders study North Carolina ecology and history, and they make a special trip to Blue Ridge Assembly during the unit. Nestled in a beautiful lodge on Black Mountain, they do a stream study, make candles in the manner of early settlers, and gain an understanding of predators and prey.
Fifth Grade "Washington D.C."
In fifth grade, significant time is spent on literature and history of the American Revolution, as well as U.S. geography. The trip to the nation's capital is the culmination not only of the year of study but indeed of the entire Raleigh School experience. Two action-packed days are intended to expose the children to the wonder of Washington D.C. and our nation's treasures. In preparation, each child selects a monument or landmark, prepares a brochure, and then, when the tour bus pulls in front of that destination, the child stands up and plays the role of tour guide as the topic expert.