Our Mission: The Raleigh School is a cooperative community of children, parents and teachers that fosters a love of learning in an atmosphere of challenge, inquiry and respect.


Strategic Priorities

Independent schools recognize that the nature of strategic planning is evolving to meet the demands of our rapidly changing world. Many schools now realize the value of an ongoing and iterative approach to strategic planning, rather than simply producing a monolithic plan every five to ten years.  

At TRS we are fortunate that the strength of our mission and clarity of our values provide clear direction for shaping the vision for our school. Our strong community, progressive program, and beautiful campus are essential to the life of our school and remain key priorities in our strategic thinking.

We share with you the strategic priorities for the 2023-2024 school year. Designed to be accomplished over the next three years, these priorities will be reviewed annually with completed priorities being removed and new priorities added.

The Raleigh School's Strategic Priorities 2023-2024